It's rather dreary looking in Kansas just now. It has been dreary looking for a long time. I don't usually mind winter, but this one drags on. Winter has brought more cold and drab colors than I remember for awhile. Then I wonder if it's just my mood.
When I scanned the colors of the day from the back door yesterday, I intentionally tried to note the colors: "mud clump brown", "winter day gray", "dead veg tan" and "melancholy muted earth". The conclusion was simply "drab". Yet as I pulled open the curtains in our room this afternoon hoping to draw in more light, I noticed the roses just below the window which have long since dried and frozen. I have been in need of color, but I'm in more need of a reminder of hope. The roses are in some way a color picture of that hope. What I know and believe about hope is set, but today, the color reminder was a bright encouragement! "For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it."
Romans 8:24,25
Since she will laugh in April's face
No matter how he rains or blows --
Then O that I wild April were,
To play with laughing Rose.
(from Laughing Rose by W.H. Davies)
So glad you are clinging to the hope that only God can give.
nothing else has reached. I pray you are reminded of hope more and more through natural beauties.
"This Flower, whose fragrance tender with sweetness fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere;
True Man, yet very God, from sin and death He saves us,
And lightens every load."
2. That's the second time this week someone sent me that verse--very special
3. You know the best poems
1. God is good
2. I love that!
3. I'm glad you enjoy!