Two Of Us (Sunday Driving)

We took the camera, memory card and batteries, but took no pictures. There were plenty of things to photograph, but I didn't. Some days are just like that. It was a gorgeous Sunday and it reminded me of this song, except that we didn't wear raincoats. (No, I didn't write the thought/comment bubbles in this video...)


zz said…
I envy you. Getting from point A (church) to point B (home for the football games) is my husband's idea of a Sunday drive.
Laurie said…
Please don't envy me! :)
Oh that football! I don't really "get it"! I do know there are some great "Hollywood" football themed movies though:
Remember the Titans
We are Marshall etc.
They may not "count", but these films are my idea of enjoying football!
I haven't had to learn how to watch a game, which is fine with me, though maybe I'm missing out! Maybe I should not admit this, but the closest I've been to football was in high school when I played clarinet and marched in our marching band for 1/2 time entertainment sometimes.
Otherwise, the purpose for football games was to have a reason to meet up with friends and leave the game to "party". (Sorry Mom.)
Maybe you could take advantage of your Sunday drive to and from church by slowing down or mixing up the route or pick another day/evening for a "Sunday Drive"!?
TAB said…
I love this song! What a perfect song for a Sunday drive.

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