I could go into a long story about our old 200 compact disc carousel player needing replaced because it was evidently struck by lightening, the 300 disc carousel component we bought...and returned, my research headaches comparing the ipod classic to the Zune 80GB, our recent purchase of the Zune, and my frustrations with yet another learning curve preparing to rip our 200 Cds (plus the many others that did not fit into the carousel) into the Zune. But I won't relay the long story. The short story is; We made a decision and bought the Zune 80GB.
I am pulling short stacks of CDs from the broken disc component and ripping them (which just sounds harsh) onto the Zune little by little, but with amazing speed! The software is doing most of the work. I am doing some clicking, dragging, renaming and manually installing the discs into the CD slot, but yes, the computer is my friend right now, but only because so far, for the most part, the software that came with our Zune seems to be set up for "dummies".