"I forget faster than most of you remember."
Every Sunday morning I meet with a group of believers as a church to remember the Lord. That we are gathered to remember Him is stated every Sunday, but this past Sunday two brothers spoke of remembering the Lord in a very deliberate way and one spoke of remembering the Lord and specifically not forgetting the Lord. He spoke of how forgetful we are, how we so often forget Him, and how we need reminded. (Oh, it is true.) He reminded us of some verses in 2nd Peter.
This also reminded me of something George said once. (George is an elder at a church we attended at one time.) He is surely in his late 70s or older. George said,
“I forget faster than most of you remember.”
George had a way about him. He shared with emotion and conviction and in his lovable quirky way. I remember sitting in the meeting where he said,
“I forget faster than most of you remember”,
I remember the way he looked almost as perplexed about hearing himself say it and knowing it made perfect sense as I was about hearing it and looking perplexed and knowing that it made perfect sense...to George. I looked at him rather quizzically then jotted down his words in my notebook. The statement amused and puzzled me and I wanted to be sure to remember this "Georgeism". As I get older, the words make perfect sense! This recent Sunday meeting's remembering and not forgetting reminders were welcome, pleasant and refreshing as was the reminder of George.
2nd Peter 1:12-13 Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you. I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder...