Sunday Drive and Saying Goodbye

Tab and her family before they left to go back home to Florida

James and Naomi


Kansas Sky

Mama and baby
At Maxwell Game Preserve
Roadside Wildflowers
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Laurel said…
What a wonderful family.
And beautiful Sunday drive pics, as well.
Laurie said…
That family IS wonderful and they are toooo far away...
I don't know how I will bear it. (Written with tears in my eyes.)
tsbjf said…
Glad you got some quality time with them!!! It is sad to say goodbye to loved ones.

Love your pictures, as always, you take such great shots!
TAB said…
Those sunday drive pics are beautimous, Mom!
I love you and miss you to pieces! I'm aching.
LivG said…
WOW! Great pictures mom!

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