Glorious Drama of the Gospel

Ryan Ferguson Recites Psalm 22 and Hebrews 9 & 10


TAB said…
AMEN!! I totally understand it better when it's told in such a way as if it were spoken and not read, make sense?? Hebrews is a tough book for me anyway and that was just awesome! I am so inspired to read the Bible in that way to myself now to see if some things will pop out at me that I haven't noticed or understood before.
Laurie said…
I thought so too, Tab!
The reading/reciting/intonations made things pop!
Zoanna said…
Now THHAT is how to recite scripture! THAT is how to read it! Wow! Mind if put it on my blog?

I have never heard of this man, but his intonations sounded familiar. While I was watching,there was a part I though, "Hmm, sounds like a CJ disciple." Have you ever heard CJ Mahaney preach? Some of his emphatic, staccoato style is in this man's delivery. Thanks for sharing.

Laurie Lynn said…
Of course I wouldn't mind if you used this on your blog! You can find this and others, including CJ Mahaney (lovely wild man!), by clicking on "Of First Importance" in my Blog and Link list- go to site, then under "Resources" click on Gospel Videos. Enjoy~
(Certainly this has encouraged me to work on scripture memory more seriously.)
Whoa. . . .all I can say is "chills up and down my spine".
Terri said…
Hello Laurie Lynn, It is your turn for the story , If you give a Lamb a Lemon! This should be fun. Hope that you had a wonderful and blessed Easter! God is good!

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