Twaddle Flap
As I was un-cluttering today, I ended up with a small stack of scrap notes. Some notes were easy to remember and understand, but other notes were very sketchy. I thought it would be fun to extract some of the words (and a few numbers) for this romp-with-words poem:
Twaddle Flap
Twaddle Flap
6 0 7
Wang Doodle
8 7 F
Tangy and Tasty
Lieutenant Murphy
2 8 4
False Alarm
5 Dollars Cash
Knobby and Nap
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Clarity Deep
5 O’ Clock Catnip
Airless TV
Moonlit Sonata
20 Feet Wide
Genesis June
Sunflower Side
Navigation Vacation
3 4 2 8 5
Erratic Adapt
Past Tense
Cedar Sap