Lay Hold. Hold fast.

Chrissy and Christine

This photo was taken at the memorial service for Christine's birth brother who committed suicide.  Christine had not met the family who adopted two of her brothers until the memorial service yesterday.  She was received with open arms and is standing here with her brothers' adoptive sister.

If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
 Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will lay hold of me. 
Psalm 139:9,10

"Your hands that shaped the world are holding me. They hold me still."

"One day You will set all things right."


Zoanna said…
I am so sorry about her brother's death. How awful, how sad. Please give her my sympathies. What a sweet thing that Christine got to meet the sister with a warm reception.
TAB said…
Sweet Christine.
Love sweet love.
Wow. . . What God is working out. . . . thank you for sharing this song. . . .much needed reminder.
Bill and Chris said…
Very sorry to hear about this.
Praying for you all!
Bill and Chris said…
I'm so sorry and praying comfort, peace and hope for your family!

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