Here's the Thing

 Whew... Hot Diggity Dog!
I'm loping along at "Dog Days" speed!
Admittedly, a bit "Ruff",
it's a cause for pause (paws?) and a test of patience!!!
I don't mean to whimper or whine. There is a learning curve with anything new or worthwhile. The ball has been tossed. ("Hey! That's not a ball! It's an Apple! 
I think I'll take a bite! Yum!! A Macintosh! Let's keep playing!")
So, here we go!
By the way, we once had a dog that looked very much like this one.
His name was Crosby. He was a roaming, cattle chasing and otherwise rebellious mutt. I so wanted it to work, but it couldn't. His most discouraging malfunction was his interpretation of human language. I'd call, "Here Crosby. Come on, boy. Come on, Crosby!" His interpretation of my language was, "Go long, Crosby! Go long! Go dog, go!" Then off he went! 


zz said…
Did YOU get an Apple?
Laurie said…
Yes! And now I'm the old dog learning new tricks!
I keep hearing "Oh! Macintosh is so much simpler..."
And I wonder at all the new-to-me "simpleness"! I'm bobbing now and will be for awhile, but I have high ihopes! ;)
Zoanna said…
High ihopes! cute.

Congrats on the Mac. I have heard nothing but good things, but I am an old dog, too, so haven't even ventured to wanting one. You'll get it. YOu're a smart puppy.
Jill said…
A smart and Brave Puppy!! I have heard "once you go Mac, you never go back!" Maybe we'll have the "smart pup" give us old dogs some lessons on the Mac if we get brave enough to get one next time!!
Best wishes!!
What kind did you get? I love my Mac...Yell, if you have any questions. I won'r know them all, bur I know where to find answers. =)
Anonymous said…
Hey Laurie,
I am missing you!
Love ya,
TAB said…
Way to go, Mom!!!
Laurie said…
Amy- Thanks! I may just yell if I'm "dog tired" of trying to figure something!
LivG said…
Oh mom, you are cute :) I can't wait to see your new "toy"!

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