Early Spring "Hiding Secrets"

"The last fling of winter is over ...
The earth, the soil itself, has a dreaming quality about it.
It is warm now to the touch; it has come alive;
it hides secrets that in a moment, in a little while, it will tell."
- Donald Culross Peattie

"Hiding Secrets"
Crabapple Tree Buds
Ornamental Peach Tree Buds
Lilac Buds
Mountain Laurel/Rhododendron Buds
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Spring is so miraculous, isn't it? It's my favorite season.
LivG said…
Hooray Spring!!! Lovin the buds. We saw Robins the other day and they've been singing outside our windows:-)
zz said…
I love the way buds just say "potential--just wait". It'll be fun to watch your time-lapse photography.

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