Here's The Thing

I'd almost given up. I had tried to give the sad plant away (no takers) and had considered just being done when the plant became scorched after it sat outside in the summer sun. It was then moved to the garage and almost forgotten. Finally, we moved it inside and gave it some water and a sunny window in the laundry hall. 
Now it sports a new sprout.
"Hope Springs Eternal"
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LivG said…
Yay! Is this the one that had mushrooms?
Jill said…
Is this the one Susan was supposed to pick up for her mom? Looks like they missed out on a real "survivor?" Yes, love the reminder of impending spring--can't wait!
TAB said…
Wow! You have the touch.
Anonymous said…
That plant is a keeper!! Just a little loving care. WOW!
Laurie said…
Jill- Yep. That's the plant!

Liv- I had to divide a larger plant into three pots and this one is from that division. I was able to give one away, and of the two I kept, both grew mushrooms! Dad thinks it had do do with the soil we used. Could be. Sorry bout the long answer that could have been as simple as "yes"!
zz said…
You have changes your background here, right. I LIKE IT.
LivG said…
No problem! I don't mind the long answer.

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