Birthday Buzz: Happy Birthday Tabby Baby!

Daddy Mike delighted with our baby Tabby!

Baby Tabitha spent a lot of time in this blue corduroy Snuggli going for walks with Mommy. Oh the delightful times we had!

Tab and Sissy Liv

Tabitha Laurel was born September 29, 1981!
She has always brought joy to our lives!
Happy Birthday Tabby Baby!

Enter the Fighter Verse Songs Cd Giveaway!


Laurel said…
Happy Birthday Tabitha! I must have forgotten you have such a lovely middle name. :-)
Chris said…
Your blog always delights me!
LivG said…
Awww, happy bday Sista:)
TAB said…
Man, I must say! I was a cute kid! Thanks, Mom! I love you.

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