A Pretty Bouquet of Flowers...

from my Aunt Arlene in Ohio to my Mom in Kansas!
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TAB said…
That is pretty! Did u edit it to make it look artistically grainy? Looks like a post card.
Laurie said…
No editing here, just novice digital photography! Thanks for saying "artistically grainy"! Grainy is usually frustrating to me! I think Grandad thought I was a little neurotic since I took so many pics of the same bouquet! (I was playing w/ different camera settings!)
LivG said…
Very pretty indeed!

I do that too mom, I will take several pictures of one thing using all the different settings of my camera just to figure out which one I like best.

Neurotic we may be, but I just think we strive for perfection. What's wrong with that?
Chris said…
yellow is so cheerful :)

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