Update and Cutie Pictures
For a brief update on my Mom:
She is doing better. She actually ate a whole meal in the hospital today. She's receiving I.V. antibiotics and "fluids". She is a bit perkier and thinks she'd rest better at home, which I understand, but is assured of some nutrients in hospital and call me weird, but I'm kinda "into" I.V. drugs (or juice) for getting to the issue. She may be dismissed tomorrow or the next day. I thank any of you who prayed and who are praying still. She definitely has a ways to go to regain strength and health.
Thank you dearly and sincerely.
Tab and the kids arrived safely and on schedule! They are doing well. We had a 4th b-day party for our first grandson, Sean here last evening. Sean's Mom is our daughter, Olivia. Tabitha, our daughter who is visiting from Florida, posted some pics on her blog and at this point I've not even had my camera in operation, but I may yet! Blessings!