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Estella Cow Says:
Overall, we live in a friendly town!
As Mike and I drive around, we notice friendly wavers!
A man sitting on his lawn mower raises his hand in a greeting.
A boy crossing the street gives a “head-nod wave“.
A woman bouncing a baby in her arms while watching toddlers play in the yard gives a “smiling-eyes wave” saying hello with friendly smiling eyes since her hands are full. The driver of a pick-up truck we pass lifts his pointer finger in the ever popular
“index-finger lift (from the steering wheel) wave“.
That "index-finger wave" is Mike’s wave.
When I’m with Mike driving through town and someone waves who I don’t recognize, I ask, “Who was that?” (I assume Mike knows all the town’s folk.)
He may answer, “I don’t know. Some people are just the way I should be.”
So I ask, “What do you mean?”
He answers, “Friendly.”
And I laugh.
Though Mike’s "index-finger steering wheel wave" may not be the most enthusiastic, it is a greeting I’ve become accustomed to and appreciate even more after our daughter pointed out it is the same wave given by Mike’s dad when we pass each other in town!
This wave is not unique.
It is not impressive.
But there is something endearing about it and all waves either from friendly strangers or waves of those I know and love that contribute to my ongoing love for the personality of our small town!
How about you. Are you a waver?
Do you give or receive any unique waves?
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
Willy Wonka said it. :-)
I don't have any unique waves. Just the arm up, move your fingers up and down wave. A classic wave.
I don't receive waves here from cars or yards because this is S. Florida and friendliness is not as prevalent here.
Yes, I do like the friendliness of the small town, but there are days I don't feel like being friendly. I am not real enthusiastic either, guess I'm like my dad in that way, but I do usually try to smile or give an acknowledging nod if I don't know the person. I tend to be much more outgoing if I do know the person.
It actually amazes me how much less friendly my town is compared to yours. It is just enough bigger that folks just aren't as friendly!
I will wave to just about anyone while driving, though if I know them, i will raise my hand off the steering wheel, and if I don't it stays put.
I used to wave w/ my whole arm till Joel pointed out how much it jiggles. Out of the mouths of babes. So thanks to my kid, I now hold the "bye ceps" snug against my ribs to keep them from jiggling, and have replaced my whole-arm wave with a forearm-forward, fingers spread wave.
Wow, that was quite an analysis. Do I have too much time on my hands?
It may not be the most friendly of places (or people generally live in too fast a pace there) but I just know there are kindred spirits in S. Forida... the friendly-wave type. Maybe you've met a few?
Liv, I think you are correct. Now that you mention it, Lindsborg is friendlier than Mac... It's getting a bit crazy in your small town these days! Hmmm. I won't speculate why that is... at least in this comment!
Zoanna, there is a story or quote or something on the tip of my tongue (or edges of my mind) I can't quite come up with in ref. to the "bye cep" wave. I may think of yet, but who can say! Joel is too cute! I think a "wave analyst" is in order, so I'm very glad you had some time!
pam toward you, all fingers bend at the middle knuckles, quick little flappy wave
Both waves you mentioned are familiar. I'd say the first one is one I give often too!
I thought of naming various waves, but I'm not too creative these days! All I can think of is it's the "wrist wringer". Blah. "Wrist Flicker"? I'm not sure.
Anyhoo, yes, Laurie, of course I remember you from KBC! I always enjoyed it when you came to camp. I came over to your blog the other day from Tab's blog, and almost left a comment, but didn't know if you'd remember me. Glad you left a comment on mine. I'll probably pester you regularly now. :-)
"Pestering" is welcomed!!
BTW- Don't curb any enthusiasm for jiggling sake!!! (Though I doubt you jiggle much!) I say we jiggle away and be thankful we can lift arms and hands in a wave!
May God bless you with strength, grace and enjoyment in the blessing of being a wife and mother! Come pester (I mean visit) anytime!
"Buh Buh!!"