Atomic FireBalls Arouse Sweet and Hot Memories

When we were young kids, my brother Steve and I used to walk along some railroad tracks that ran down the middle of a street dividing lanes of traffic. We walked to a small market where we each bought about 50 cents worth of candy; enough to fill a small brown paper bag. We bought Atomic FireBalls, Pixie Stix, Black Cows, Zots, Sweetarts (two 1 ½ inch disks per package), Milk Duds, Chik-O-Stix, Bottle Caps, Razzles, Pop Rocks and other novelty type candy. As we walked along the tracks back home we’d enjoy our sweet treats looking forward to the next activity which could be paper dolls for me and riding a skateboard for Steve. This was back in the day when boys didn’t have specialty shops for skateboard clothing or gear and no helmets, knee or elbow pads were worn.
Today when Christine and I were at Hobby Lobby and were walking toward the check-out lanes, I noticed a package of Atomic FireBall candies. I bought them for old time's sake. My brother and I used to buy these hot individually wrapped fireball candies for a penny a piece then the price was raised to 3 for a nickel. I remember the raise in price as though it was a blow to our economic comfort. My first blog post ever was motivated by my purchase of a Kansas Band cd that reminded me of Steve and my growing up together. Now because of a sack of Atomic Fireballs I’m reminded of another childhood memory with Steve. This is a sweet and hot memory of sweet candy times and hot Atomic FireBalls on days with Steve when we ambled down the railroad tracks like those days would never end.

Get the hot news on those Atomic FireBalls!


TAB said…
Those are sweet memories. Always brings a lump to my throat.
Anonymous said…
Oh Laurie, this was so much fun to read and brought back so many memories. Does make me think about how we didn't have to worry about having our kids out of our sight, now that seems to have changed and we really have to be more concerned.????????
Called Steve so he can read this tonight.
Stay warm, love you, mom b.
LivG said…
Such sweet memories. Wow, I think Tab is getting more sentimental in her "old" age!
Laurie said…
Tab may be getting more sentimental... and that IS a good thing that comes with getting older!
Anonymous said…
I have similar memories of cheap candy . Loved PixiStix (still do!) and pop rocks and atomic fireballs and bottle caps. My devilish side also loved to smoke the candy cigarettes. Remember those?
Laurie said…
Yes, I remember the candy cigs!

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