Mike's Dream of Fast Driving in Reverse

We got in the car to take a little drive today. When we were situated and ready to pull out of the driveway, Mike looked over at me from the driver’s seat and said, “Oh yeah! Last night I had a dream that you were driving fast in reverse.” That struck me funny. I find it a little tricky driving in reverse, so driving fast in reverse is surely trickier! The closest we can come to an interpretation about me driving fast in reverse is Mater driving in reverse on Cars and a little Cars booklet we have for the grand kids that may have sparked a dream, but how I‘m connected with Mater, I‘m not sure and may not want to know! If driving in reverse in a dream could be interpreted as “going back in time”, maybe I would want to go fast, at least until I got to a point where I wouldn't mind lingering longer, but the new year and day by day calls for driving forward and pacing ourselves neither too fast nor too slow. God grant me forward moving safe passage, sound judgment and reasonable acceleration!


Anonymous said…
Going in reverse fast sure beats going nowhere fast, which is what my real life feels like sometimes, let alone dreams.
Laurie said…
I do know exactly how you feel! Truth is, we're always going somewhere...and we have a heavenly destination!
Let us press on with a goal in the front windsheild and as far as it depends on us...no regrets in the rearview mirror!
LivG said…
Very interesting! Sounds like it must have been Mater related somehow.

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