I Thought I'd Tell A Story Being Careful With My Words

I thought I'd tell A story
Being careful with my words
A story I read in a book
Rephrasing things you’ve heard

The story from a treasure
Gained from my thrift shop habit
I found a silly thrift store book
Called simply “Runny Babbit”
Shel Silverstein, the author
Jumbles words by changing letters
"Millie Woose" for Willie Moose
And as you read it just gets better

It’s a fun and happy thing to do
To play with English proper
If Silverstein can, then I say,
“Me too.” (Who’s stere to hop her?)

I’ll stop just now I know I can
It’s tharder than you hink
Try it now, you gilly soose
Mecious Prink for Precious Mink

(That was fun!)

From the book's preface:
Way down in the green woods
Where the animals all play
They do things and they say things
In a different sort of way-
Instead of sayin "purple hat,"
They all say, "hurple pat."
Instead of saying "Feed the cat,"
They just say "ceed the fat."
So if you say, "Let's bead a rook
That's billy as can se,"
You're talkin' Runny Babbit talk
Just like mim and he.


Anonymous said…
I LOVE it. Girl after my own heart. I was just about to post something of my own, though not nearly as developed as yours. Do another, please!
Anonymous said…
Please, you go next, Zoanna!
Anonymous said…
Wow Laurie, I know you're talented but "WOW!" I have no wever clords as you but do keep them coming right on through!!! ;0) Thanks for sharing your talents!!
Anonymous said…
You're junny, Fill!
I mean funny, Jill!
LivG said…
Cute! I've got some catchin up to do on your blog!

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