Homeschool Retrospect #2

How sweet it was to read aloud to eager listeners.
How kind that when Mom got teary during a sweet or sad part of the book, one daughter would bring the box of kleenex and later when their reading skills improved I could pass the book to one of them and say, "You read for awhile." One daughter would take over until I could gain composure. (Why do I apologize for crying at sweet or sad parts in a book or movie?) The author should be applauded for engaging the reader so well!


LivG said…
Oh, it's such a mom thing! Maybe it's a pregnant thing for me too, but the other day I was trying to read a book to Sean and I just couldn't make it through. I think it was:

~ Love you forever, like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be ~
Laurie said…
Yep, that's what I'm talking about.
Anonymous said…
This happens to me, too. There was a time when nothing brought me to tears. Now after many experiences, there are many things that do.
Anonymous said…
Sounds as though you were "comfortably numb"? (or uncomfortably numb...)

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