Miss Steed's 4th Grade Class

Here is Miss Steed's 4th grade class. She was one of the best grade school teachers I had. The man in the back row was our principal. 
I am in the front row (2nd from left) between Jimmy and Debbie. 
The art displayed on the chalk board was done using crayon, then painting black over it. That was fun! 
It must have been the day for Girl Scout and Boy Scout meetings judging by the uniforms worn by Tammy, Rod, Debbie, Fred and Mike. Was Miss Steed wearing a Girl Scout leader uniform and tie or maybe the dress was "girl scout" green? 
I also went to high school with many of my grade school classmates, yet I've lost track of most. I know of one boy and girl from this class who are now married to each other. So many sweet memories and some bittersweet. Several classmates have since died.
I do wonder if the boy in the 2nd row (3rd from right) whose head is hidden behind Karolyn S. bought this class picture. And what's with the chair in the foreground?
This year marks the 30th reunion for our high school. I cannot go, but looking back has been a good thing!


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